Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 12 of recovery


Day 12 of recovery

It’s been a rough couple of days!  The morphine Alexa was taking caused her to not be able to pee.  She woke up yesterday morn with this horrible pain.  We didn’t know if it was a UTI or what.  After trying for a couple of hrs to go & not being able to, the nurse told her they needed to put a catheter in & that it would only take a second & would relieve her pain.  Well, that’s not exactly how it went down.  She was so tense that the nurse couldn’t get it in so she called another nurse in & she couldn’t do it either so then they got another nurse in.  It was really quite traumatic for Alexa & after having 3 different catheters put in she finally went but the pain was not relieved at all, it was worse than ever.  I felt so bad.  Well, that pretty much ruined the entire day, they never were able to get the pain under control.  They kept her on morphine every 2 hrs & we were so worried about the bladder prob coming back.  The morphine was not even controlling the pain anymore so I asked for the pain team to come in.  Dr. C decided that she should be put back on oxycodone again now that her diarrhea was getting better since they changed her formula for her feeding tube.  He says things just need to be tweaked here & there but she really hasn’t had any major probs & is doing quite well.  If this darn thing hadn’t happened with her bladder I’m sure she would really be turning a corner right now as far as pain control but as it is she hasn’t even been able to walk much!  This morn Dr. C came in with the team of docs & they changed a bunch of her meds around & things seem to be slowly getting better today.  I am heading back to RMH tonight to try to catch up on sleep so hopefully Ty & her will have a better night.  She has had minimal morphine today since she started feeling like she was having that bladder prob again.  We had a prayer together & pleaded for Heavenly Father’s help.  After a couple of hrs she was able to go on her own & said that Heavenly Father had helped her.  We are still plugging along & feel very lucky that she hasn’t had any major probs like so many that we hear about.  We know that Heavenly Father is answering our prayers & the prayers of so many of you!!
Good thing Ty's not the jealous type, haha!

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