Friday, June 20, 2014

Letters from family

Dear Family, 
I’ve had a lot on my mind as I’ve thought about Alexa and her upcoming surgery. I’ve been reflecting on what has been taught recently about the priesthood and faith. As I was pondering this morning and listening to some General Conference talks something finally clicked in my mind. It was one of those spiritual aha moments. I finally understood what Dad has been trying to teach us all along about faith, healing, and the priesthood. I was thinking specifically about Elder Oaks’s talk from this last conference about the priesthood and the power of it, and then I was thinking about the talk by Elder Bednar in his CES devotional in March 2013 when he spoke of the man having and needing the faith not to be healed. Those two talks, coupled with the stories that Dad had us listen to by Elder Matthew Cowley, really got me thinking. I thought of the stories that Elder Cowley told. I realized that all the people in the stories had the same attitude. It was an attitude that the person was, in fact, going to be healed. There were no if, ands, or buts. It was just simply going to happen. They had, in essence, child-like faith, nothing doubting. As I thought about their attitudes, I started reflecting on my own. I realized that that hasn’t entirely been my attitude. I have faith that Alexa can be healed if it’s the Lord’s will. I have faith that he can do it. I also have total faith in the Lord regardless of whether He heals her or not. If it isn’t His will that she be healed, my faith will not waiver. I will still trust in Him. However, I don’t think I’ve been exercising my faith completely. I guess that’s why the phrase is to exercise your faith, because it takes work. I have been praying that Alexa will be healed and know that it can be done, but I’ve always coupled it with the thought that it probably isn’t His will to perform a miracle like in Bible times so I’ve just accepted the fact that she is probably going to need this surgery and He will just bless the physicians and surgeons. So, basically I’ve been exercising faith only to an extent for fear that it really isn’t His will that she be healed and I’m going to be let down. As I was thinking this morning I realized that I need to change my attitude. I not only know that the Lord can heal Alexa, but I know that He will. She has been promised as much. I keep thinking of a line from my friend, Sarah’s, write up of her story when she discovered she needed a brain tumor removed. Her mom responded by saying, “The bigger the tumor, the bigger God could show up like He had always done.” Not only can God heal Alexa, but what a great opportunity to bear testimony of His power and love and to glorify Him! I have decided to change my attitude. I want to exercise my faith as Mom and Dad have been trying to teach me to do. I want to show faith as those people in Elder Cowley’s stories, child-like faith, nothing wavering. I know that Alexa can and will be healed. She has been promised through the priesthood that she will be, and I am going to show full confidence that the Lord always keeps His promises. Even if Alexa does have to undergo surgery, I am changing my attitude to that of glorifying God. No matter what happens once she gets to that hospital, if we can seek for every opportunity to celebrate any little miracle every day she’s there and to share that testimony of God’s power with others, how many miracles will be discovered? In D&C 42: 48 the Lord, while talking about the elders coming and laying their hands on the sick, says, “he that hath faith in me to be healed, and is not appointed unto death, shall be healed”. There are no stipulations to that and prerequisites except to have faith. Elder Oaks taught in a talk from General Conference, April 2010 called “Healing the Sick” that “faith is essential for healing by the powers of heaven”. I believe that faith is not just believing or knowing that something is possible or that something will happen. I believe that faith in Jesus Christ needs to be coupled with gratitude and is only true faith when we are seeking to glorify God. If we are not seeking to glorify God, then we are seeking the blessing or miracle selfishly. We are seeking it for ourselves. Alexa, you have a busy week of preparation ahead of you with appointments and tests and such. As you go through all that you have to do, try to find as many miracles as you can. Record them on your blog to testify to the world. God will be more able to perform a big miracle for you if you are willing and able to recognize the small ones and testify of them to others. You have been given a great trial to endure for which reasons we may never understand fully in this life. We know that you will be healed from this trial one way or another, and I know that the Lord desires for you to be a light for others, as you have been thus far. Just as my friend, Sarah’s, mom said about her tumor, I say similar words about your trial, “The bigger the pain, the longer the trial, and the surer the test results, the bigger God can show up, as He always has.” Maybe that’s one of the reasons this has gone on so long. I know that the Lord will heal Alexa. We know, from previous priesthood blessings that she has received, that she is not appointed unto death, therefore, as the Lord has promised, if we exercise faith, she will be healed. Just as Elder Cowley pointed out in his talk though, these things don’t always come about just by asking but by fasting and prayer. We’ve done much of that already, but the timing wasn’t right. The time is now. Something is going to happen one way or another now. I know that the ward is going to be fasting for Alexa on the 29th, the day before the surgery, but I thought it would be great if we could do a special family fast this Sunday as well, for those who are able to. I don’t know about you guys, but there’s something stirring in me this time. I just feel so much surer about her being healed. I feel like the timing is right, and it’s almost exciting to me. What do you guys think? Does Sunday work for everyone? 

Love you guys, Chels

I echo what you just said. Chels and I talked about his last night also and I have been thinking about faith today as well. Looking back at the times when I have been able to call down Heavenly Father's specific help, I have had this totally faith Chels has mentioned. Like I was trying to explain to you yesterday Chels, I don't really know how to explain what it felt like having that kind of faith, but it was like I could feel my Spirit talking right to Heavenly Father and KNEW He was there and would help me exactly as I had asked. I am definitely going to be fasting this Sunday as much as I am able. Thanks Chels for putting this in the perfect words (like you always do ) Love you guys!!


Well, here we are beginning our journey.  It already began as we have been trying to get Alexa off her pain medicine onto a different one.  She has been having so much pain!  Two mornings ago she woke me up at 4 AM & was doubled over in pain & couldn’t take any more meds.  We decided we would say a prayer since Ty wasn’t here to give her a blessing.  I said the prayer & told Heavenly Father that Alexa has had so many blessings for this pain already & we need her to be blessed right now for her pain level to come down so she can sleep.  When I got up Alexa told me she needed something for nausea.  When I got back from the kitchen she told me that she was ok now, the pain was coming down.  Heavenly Father has blessed her like that time & time again, instantly like that.  I know that He can heal her also.  Alexa has been told in a blessing that we need to listen to the medical doctors who have researched this.  That is what we are doing now.  I do have complete faith that she will be healed & will join the fast with everyone.   Whatever happens is completely in God’s hands, as is all of our lives.  We will do the little things every single day to bring us closer to Him such as reading our scriptures & praying & also, while I am there, I will be an instrument in His hands & open my mouth & share the Gospel.  I have made so many friends thru the pancreas website who are suffering & they are incredible people.  Maybe this is why we need to go there too.

Love Mindy 

PS. We welcome everyone to join us in this prayer & fast!!!